2 Things To Know If You Had A Miscarriage From A Car Accident

Going through a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident can take time and be confusing, especially if this is the first time you have ever gone through something like this. One of the confusing parts of a personal injury case can involve the types of compensation you might be entitled to afterwards, especially if you suffered a miscarriage from the accident. If you can prove the other driver was at fault for the accident, you should have no problem winning your case; however, you will have to also prove the accident caused the miscarriage if you want compensation for that too. Read More 

Birth Injury: Is Your Doctor At Fault?

If your child suffered permanent or expensive injuries because of birth trauma, or if they are born with a birth defect, one of the first things you might think is that your caregiver-- the obstetrician or other supervising doctor-- is to blame. While this is sometimes the case, there are instances where doctors are not liable for damages. Because proving fault in birth injury cases in very complex, there are a few things you should know about them in order to determine whether or not your doctor will be the defendant in your lawsuit, if there is actually another responsible party, or if the injury was unavoidable or unpreventable in nature. Read More 

Receiving Compensation When Your Child Is Injured In An Auto Accident

A car accident is a frightening time for everyone involved. It's even more frightening when children are in the car. If you were in a car accident and your children were injured, you're probably trying to figure out the best way to proceed. You reserve the right to file a lawsuit and receive compensation for your children's injuries. Here is what you need to do, and what you can expect from the personal injury lawsuit. Read More 

What Should You Do If You’re Injured By A Construction Hazard?

If you regularly travel through construction on the way to work, you may often feel like you're navigating a video game maze. Operating a motor vehicle at high speeds while winding through traffic barrels and pieces of machinery can be stressful and potentially hazardous -- especially if a piece of construction equipment has shifted just enough to block part of the roadway. If you're involved in a traffic accident caused by a road hazard -- an errant piece of construction machinery, road barrel, or even a car stranded with a flat tire -- who is responsible for paying the resulting costs? Read More 

Bicycle Accidents: Why You Might Hire A Reconstruction Expert

Bicycling is a hugely popular pastime in the United States, and more than 46 million Americans spent time on their bicycle in 2013. Unfortunately, when bicycle riders and car drivers share roads, accidents are almost inevitable. If you need to file a lawsuit to claim compensation for a personal injury that occurs while you are riding your bicycle, you will probably need to enlist the help of several experts. Find out why you might hire a reconstruction expert, and learn more about the support these professionals can bring to your personal injury lawsuit. Read More