3 Tips For Winning Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

If someone else is responsible for your personal injury, you may be considering a lawsuit. A personal injury lawsuit is a great way to get the money you deserve after an accident. However, even if you believe the case is cut and dry, the other person and their insurance agency may not be willing to pay. If you would like to better protect yourself, check out these three tips for winning your personal injury lawsuit.

1. Find Witnesses

One of the best things you can do is find witnesses who corroborate your story of events, but witnesses come in many forms. For example, if you were involved in a car accident because the other driver ignored a red light, a witness who saw the whole encounter can help you win your case.

However, in some cases, the witness doesn't need to have witnessed the injury to help. In another example, if you are injured because of someone's faulty patio, you may want to find a witness who can confirm the homeowner knew about the damage.

2. Visit the Doctor

Even if you visited the ER after the accident, you need to keep in touch with your doctor before and during the lawsuit. Your doctor is the best source you have to determine the real extent of your injuries, including long-term treatment and pain and suffering. Neglecting doctor visits leads to three major complications.

First, the courts will not take your injuries seriously if you aren't continuing to seek medical treatment, so they may be more likely to dismiss your case or give you a lower settlement. Second, you are legally required to mitigate your injuries, which means you are responsible to take steps to treat your injuries so they don't get worse. Failing to go to the doctor can be used to prove you were not mitigating your injuries, and your settlement may be denied or reduced.

Last, if you don't know the extent of your injuries, you can't ask for the right amount. You may end up getting some money to pay for past medical bills, but if you have continuing treatments needed after the settlement, you may be out of luck if you didn't plan ahead.  

3. Stay Silent

After the accident, let your lawyer do the talking for you. Don't communicate with any insurance agency, except to report the accident to your own insurance agency. If the other insurance carrier contacts you, don't accept any offer and direct them to your attorney.

In addition, be mindful about what you say in public and to others. This includes social media. Anything you say may be used to try and reduce your settlement.

If you have been involved in a personal injury, it may be time to start looking for an attorney. With a personal injury lawyer in your corner, you can get the fair settlement you deserve. If you would like to know more, contact an attorney in your area today.
